Bitterly Cold MLK Weekend

I want to create more and audio has been something I’ve approached a number of times but never continued. I think there’s a great opportunity to create something raw for myself in the future. I think I need more to do that feels easy in order to facilitate the other creative things I want to try.

Fear of Sharing

I’m sharing on the street photography club group on facebook which I found through Brian Lloyd Duckett’s youtube. I’m having a hard time sharing my work. I don’t know if it’s a fear of failure or success. I feel anxiety for both but different.

Posting my second image today. I think this photo is about hands.

Lot's of questions here, no answers. No expectations, just thoughts. I feel like I've tripped and am trying to figure out how to regain my balance.

Editing is really hard. I've been focusing a lot on getting into a mindset and situations where there is potential and not so much on trying to make good work.

I've realized that editing is 2x or 3x the work and time of shooting. I've spent just shy of 10 hours at this Christmas market and the last visit I just didn't feel the same as the first time. There's an expectation that's creeped in. I'm not free to just fail. How do I get back there?

Evaluating your own images seems impossible. For me it's a real memory and has all those attachments and extra entanglements that I can't explain. Emotions tied to a time in my own life.

How can I express all that within a frame? Or do I accept that it's a fact of communication. I can never really know if I've helped someone else feel the way I did.

Maybe trying to stay still and recapture the past is not the answer. Just looking ahead, falling forward.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photo.

Thank you

I got scared and deleted the post. Here is the caption when I reposted.

Photograph #2 of my recent work at a Christkindlmarket.

I'm focusing on getting unobtrusively close; not just getting snaps. Seeing through the lens, getting comfortable, waiting for a bit with the camera to my eye. Internalizing that nobody cares what I'm doing except me.

My focus here was on the phone situation and the boy hopped in.

This is a moment I would not have foreseen and only got because I was already up to my eye and ready.

I don't mind that he's out of focus. He's 'enough' in focus to draw me in and create compositional elements.

What do you think?

Deleted the post again. What am I doing…

Planes with windows

I love looking out the window on an airplane. The view from a few tens of thousands of feet is immense and breath taking. I always try to get a window seat. I'm transfixed by the view and can't look away. The little houses, the towns, the mountains, and the clouds. The perspective reminds me of my place. Not how small I am but how significant I can be if I put my mind to it.

Please join me and enjoy a view from the sky of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California during a flight from Denver to Fresno on Southwest on November 20th 2023.

(My first magazine.)

Just outside of Fresno on the way back to Denver. Looking south. Not in the magazine. Took on the return flight. Trying to imitate the Fuji film presets slight sepia tone.

My response to an indirect question...

A commenter posted that it would be better if I had also posted images in response to my last post about clothes ; in a street photography facebook group. This was my response.

I will post something when I feel like it's good enough. I meant to discuss the practice here and being confident to get into situations that have potential. The human interaction part rather than the final results. I get caught up a lot in that part of it. I'm working on my practice and easing back into the lifestyle. Playing with strangers with good intentions and humor. It's safely playing with boundaries of human space and not a Gilden shock treatment, or a social media self esteem pump. I think it's good to reflect on the practice without the judgment of results. Thank you

This speaks to a deeper change in attitude I’ve had recently. Realizing that everything is about results. We judge or people judge based on those results and it’s a corrupting attitude especially for a young artist or beginner. Our focus should be on practice and nailing that part. Once we do that we can then iterate. A compulsive focus on results, and the entwined judgment comes at a price you may never realize until much later. Focus on practice. On the small controllable parts.

Flying to Fresno

On the Clothes you Photograph in:

I going to write a bit about confidence in shooting close to people. I just had an excellent 4 hours at a Christmas Market where I was finally able to get close, feel comfortable and get into moments that had lots of potential. I haven't reviewed the images yet but wanted to share before I look at them and realize I have nothing and my confidence spirals a bit. I’ve made huge gains today in my practice.

I broke through a barrier today that's been present for a long time. I want to share with anyone that might be having a hard time getting closer due to anxiety, fear, nerves, or feelings of intruding on personal space.

Besides moving deliberately, rather slowly, and keeping a positive attitude and not a looking too serious. Or being emotionally close. Shoot at a location and time where closeness is expected can help too. If an interaction occurs smile and give them a compliment.

I changed it up today and it made all the difference. Rather than wear my ‘comfortable’ clothes, that I think I’m ‘comfortable’ in. I put on a vest and suit jacket today. Aiming for a more arty modern look. I’m not a fashionista but I’m trying to upscale a bit as I’m getting older I think the hoodie and t-shirt look is off putting.

It gave me a confidence boost knowing I looked good and not like a photography dweeb or unwanted interloper. I noticed people giving good looks, especially woman and I’m not used to that. What I realized is that, maybe, being photographed by someone they deem to have a good look is flattering where someone looking generic is unwanted.

I’m not sure what I’ll do in the summer but for now I’m going to keep dressing up when I go out to take photographs on the street or at events.


Blender stuff from this week (motivation)

Got a new GPU and testing out rendering times for Glass objects. Rendered with Cycles.

I started on making a mesh for the Crab Mech from Battletech. Playing with Boolean modifiers to easily get the shapes I need. The claw shape was hard to do without them.

This one is rendered in Eevee. So much quicker but Eevee doesn’t do transparency.

New headshot thingy