Fear of Sharing

I’m sharing on the street photography club group on facebook which I found through Brian Lloyd Duckett’s youtube. I’m having a hard time sharing my work. I don’t know if it’s a fear of failure or success. I feel anxiety for both but different.

Posting my second image today. I think this photo is about hands.

Lot's of questions here, no answers. No expectations, just thoughts. I feel like I've tripped and am trying to figure out how to regain my balance.

Editing is really hard. I've been focusing a lot on getting into a mindset and situations where there is potential and not so much on trying to make good work.

I've realized that editing is 2x or 3x the work and time of shooting. I've spent just shy of 10 hours at this Christmas market and the last visit I just didn't feel the same as the first time. There's an expectation that's creeped in. I'm not free to just fail. How do I get back there?

Evaluating your own images seems impossible. For me it's a real memory and has all those attachments and extra entanglements that I can't explain. Emotions tied to a time in my own life.

How can I express all that within a frame? Or do I accept that it's a fact of communication. I can never really know if I've helped someone else feel the way I did.

Maybe trying to stay still and recapture the past is not the answer. Just looking ahead, falling forward.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photo.

Thank you

I got scared and deleted the post. Here is the caption when I reposted.

Photograph #2 of my recent work at a Christkindlmarket.

I'm focusing on getting unobtrusively close; not just getting snaps. Seeing through the lens, getting comfortable, waiting for a bit with the camera to my eye. Internalizing that nobody cares what I'm doing except me.

My focus here was on the phone situation and the boy hopped in.

This is a moment I would not have foreseen and only got because I was already up to my eye and ready.

I don't mind that he's out of focus. He's 'enough' in focus to draw me in and create compositional elements.

What do you think?

Deleted the post again. What am I doing…