On the Clothes you Photograph in:

I going to write a bit about confidence in shooting close to people. I just had an excellent 4 hours at a Christmas Market where I was finally able to get close, feel comfortable and get into moments that had lots of potential. I haven't reviewed the images yet but wanted to share before I look at them and realize I have nothing and my confidence spirals a bit. I’ve made huge gains today in my practice.

I broke through a barrier today that's been present for a long time. I want to share with anyone that might be having a hard time getting closer due to anxiety, fear, nerves, or feelings of intruding on personal space.

Besides moving deliberately, rather slowly, and keeping a positive attitude and not a looking too serious. Or being emotionally close. Shoot at a location and time where closeness is expected can help too. If an interaction occurs smile and give them a compliment.

I changed it up today and it made all the difference. Rather than wear my ‘comfortable’ clothes, that I think I’m ‘comfortable’ in. I put on a vest and suit jacket today. Aiming for a more arty modern look. I’m not a fashionista but I’m trying to upscale a bit as I’m getting older I think the hoodie and t-shirt look is off putting.

It gave me a confidence boost knowing I looked good and not like a photography dweeb or unwanted interloper. I noticed people giving good looks, especially woman and I’m not used to that. What I realized is that, maybe, being photographed by someone they deem to have a good look is flattering where someone looking generic is unwanted.

I’m not sure what I’ll do in the summer but for now I’m going to keep dressing up when I go out to take photographs on the street or at events.
